Guess these bastards ain't gonna let me rest in peace neither, are they?
Oi, jackasses, who the hell do you think you are, asking me to come back from the dead for you? You ain't Simon, so I don't owe you nothing like that.
Nothing to say?
Heh. We'll see how long Kamina-sama'll be stickin' around.
Oi, if all you punks know what's good for you, listen up!
Whoever's in charge of this stupid town, you think this place is good enough to bring a leader of the mighty Dai Gurren Brigade???
Well it ain't!!
First of all, all these smilin' people ain't normal. You been telling them some shit to brainwash 'em, and that ain't something Kamina-sama's willing to stand by and watch, got it?
Second, these stupid boxes on top of green squares are no place for a man to live! A man's got to breathe in the open air and live off the land! The stars are his ceiling and the dirt's his floor, and there ain't no such thing as walls. The point being, he don't need no frilly pink shit to sleep on or crap that ain't even bleeding to eat or whatever the fuck those showers are supposed to be. Dirt's healthy, yo! A man smells like a man!!
And then there's these fucking clothes. What're all the girls doin' all covered up? It ain't right!! S'almost as bad as taking the tattoos from a man's body an' making him wear some stupid piece of shit instead of standing proud and open like a man should be!
Heh, this jacket's okay, though. Could use the Gurren Brigade symbol and maybe a bigger collar, but s'not bad, s'worthy of Kamina-sama, eh?
So, you think that's enough?
Well, it ain't! And the fuck's with sending me some picture of some chick? Oi, I've seen way better, got it? Not interested.
So whatever bastard's in charge here, if you're a man, come out and fight me! You might've taken my sword, but s'long as I've got my fists, I'll fight you to the end!!
((Yeah, Kamina's yelling all this from the lawn outside his house. His new duds are some motorcycle clothes, a red leather jacket, and a hairstyle with an awful lot of gel involved.))