[Reluctantly Filtered From Drones, Happy, Simon?]
All right, did all of you have yer eyes and ears wide open? 'f you missed it, then listen up good!
It's just like what I said! They can brainwash me all they want, it don't change a man's soul!! Still the same Kamina as ever, right? RIGHT!
So next time you get brainwashed, just keep your soul the same! Anyone can do it, understand? It ain't nothing! All they did was make me talk like one o' them. An' also I stole found
this weird lookin' gunman.
Oi, though, I keep punching it and shoutin' stuff but it still won't drive. The fuck.
Anyway, its name is Gurren-Two! Simon, want me to get you one, or are you holdin' out for Lagann?