Jun 23, 2006 02:06
...I just pretended like I wasn't going to come back and write in here. I shut off the computer, turned off the light, walked away and was like dude, obviously once I get upstairs I'm going to be too excited to sleep. Obviously.
T-minus less than 12 hours. More like 11 hours. Though it could well be 12 if it takes five hours to figure out how to get all my stuff into my dad's car. I might just have a huge panic attack if it doesn't. Or just dump out all my stuff and put it into little plastic grocery bags and mush them in. I'm perfectly happy to have zero breathing space. Crack open a window, give me a little airflow, I'll be find, because I am so taking two pillows and do not want to be talked out of one and I can't be made to decide between more clothes. If I was able to decide which ones to stay and go then I wouldn't have packed so many DUH!!! Stupid Girl Scouts--be prepared--though thinking about girl scouts it only every really taught me that other people found me funny...and that I didn't like scary stories and that one should totally sleep over in a science museum if ever given the chance. SO fun.
Today I re-watched the majority of Pride and Prejudice, and thought maybe I'd change my mind about the end, but too me it's still a little flat. Well anyways talking to my mom about wanting it for Christmas she was like that is totally going to be so expensive and then I went on Amazon and found the DVD on sale for $19.76. I was like holy shit. And no I was not mistaken, it's the BBC miniseries production with Colin Firth and everything, marked down from $40. And of course, I was a overly enthusiastic dork and made my mom order it for me ASAP. Because lord knows I don't understand the rise and fall of Amazon sales, just that I usually check back in a week and it's back to only like 5% off the orignal price. So hell yeah, Merry Christmas in almost July to me. So I know it seems excessive but you can't blame a girl for appreciating a good bargain.
Speaking of DVDs and packing (okay who else is sick of hearing about packing--I'm sorry last time I SWEAR), I packed a fair chunk of my regular movies and possibly against my better judgement all of my Saved by the Bell. I swear I will FLIP OUT AND CRY if any get lost. Hurt me not my Saved by the Bell :(
Okay, I'm good, it's actually really hot down here and I need to finish reading this book before I go.
But if you're a cool kid you'll write to me at:
Camp Nawaka
P.O. Box 247
East Otis, MA 01029
And mail is AWESOME mail, because I have my own mailbox and it's so sad when it's empty day after day after day. I just start to keep things in there so I don't have to look at an empty hole.
G'night all.