Friday I'll Be Over You {prologue}

Mar 22, 2010 14:53

"Fridays are always my favorite day of the week. Not because it's the beginning of the weekend but it's the one day a week I get to see him. Him, possibly the one guy I'd break my rule for; the rule that stops me from pursuing guys I work with. Yeah he's that guy... It hurts though because he is also the reasons why Fridays suck. Every Friday I'm reminded why I will never have the chance to break my rule."

My finger hovered over my track pad poised to click 'Share' I wouldn't do it, I was too chicken. I stared at the words on the screen for a good minute whilst trying to persuade myself into publishing this 'secret'  Turns out I didn't need to talk myself into it, He just needed to update his own status and I was more than happy to let the world know.

Almost immediately after sharing this with all my facebook friends I got a response. I grabbed my phone to read the texts I just received. It was my friend Lindsay. She demanded to know who "He" was and what he did to me and did I need to have him hurt because she knows a few people who would happily help.

I should have expected this but I still got a kick out of it nonetheless. I was still giggling madly when I texted her back reassuring her that "he" is Drew and that he didn't do anything to me and no her "connections" were not necessary at this point in time.

After assuring her once more that her uncle's services were not needed I turned back to my facebook page. Drew's status update stared me down

Drew is "in a relationship" with Erika. I felt my stomach drop as I noticed his new profile pic along side the update. I refreshed the page hoping against all odds that my eyes were playing tricks on me; and that the whole week since Drew had told me of his joyous reunion with his ex girlfriend was all just a figment of my imagination.

No such luck, the reminder that I'd never get a proper chance was there in black and white for his 147 friends to see. There was no time to feel sorry for myself though as I had to get ready for work, because it was Friday night...FUCK.
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