Cyclical, this life seems.

May 25, 2008 22:10

So I find it ironic that the last time I posted on here was about death, as Michael Foster informed me tonight (as I stopped by work) of Robert Atkin's passing. I started crying in the store.

On a different note, I've been through so much personal drama recently, and have consequently been an even shittier friend than usual. If you have called/texted/message/sent a plane across the sky trailing a note for me in the past month, I probably have not responded. And if I have, it was probably very curt; cut and dry. I'm truly, sincerely sorry about this. We all know I fight depression, and sometimes I get so caught up in my personal dislike that I find it difficult to associate with others whom I love, but can be incredibly jealous of. So rather than accept my awful tendencies, I simply ignore them and their sources.

Quick update: 
     I haven't danced consistently since Cats (enter rant about weight gain). 
     I haven't killed my mother yet.
     I was a groomsman in Jonah and Andrea's wedding.
     I broke up with Michael. It's been hard, and it's a semi-long story, but I'll tell it if you ask.
     I'm already trying out a new relationship with someone ironically as similar to Michael as he is different. His name is James. 24 years old. Moved from England 10 years ago, but still retains his oh-so-hot accent. Graduated USF with a degree in English.
     I'm finishing my AA by July.     
     I'm looking to move to New York (or Jersey) in August, and it seems James wants be my roomie. We'll see if he can tolerate me for that long. I sincerely hope he can, because I'm growing more fond of him by the day. I'll try harder not to suffocate him, and learn to speak the Male Language, though he needs to get it out of his head that I'm consistently jealous of all of his ex-flings. 
          Note: Apparently, asking someone if they want to come over is different than inviting them over. ANY INSIGHT?

I'm going to be checking through past posts to see what I've missed, which I'm sure is a lot because I've been picking up so many extra shifts at work. Feel free to comment on Things Tahlia Needs To Know.

In the mean time, I'm opening the store again in the morning. Afterward (think 10:00-ish), some of you may be receiving inquiries on how to fluently speak Male. I'm in need of some lessons.

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