So much to think about.

May 31, 2007 00:22

Had my first interview at Starbucks, today. Todd, the Shift Manager, really seemed to like me, and said that I presented myself well, especially for never having had a job before (I'm sure the free tall nonfat chai latte I recieved helped calm my nerves, though). I've been asked to come back, tomorrow, to speak with Christine, who is this particular store's Manager--Todd said she'd love me. Oh boy, do I hope he's right.

Claire also said that it's Ryland's impression that a second interview is almost a given that you've got the job. I'm sure Ry wouldn't mind that, though, seeing as he gets a $100 bonus if I stay on for three months. :P

Needless to say, I'm pretty damn excited!

Wish me luck?

In other news:

  • American Beauty -- or at least, what I've seen of it -- is a terribly disturbing movie. Don't care how much I like Kevin Spacey, it's just plain creepy.
  • Had a terrible rehearsal tonight, because of our damn costumes. We ended up changing the last couple of lifts, and refining our pirouettes. Our new ending is more dramatic, I suppose, but I feel as if we've degraded the piece by taking the easier route. Oh well. It's my last ballet (isn't it)? Maybe not.
  • For those of you who've been asking, Swan Lake is playing at the Van Wezel on June 3rd. Call the box office for information about tix. That is, if you're not going to see Sweeney, again.

  • Michael's been designing this piece for kit-helicopters, and it's coming together pretty nicely, what with designing the prototype on the CAD system, at work. It's a small, aluminum CNC part on which to mount the motor from the bottom, as opposed to the top of the craft. The current designs on the market are top-mounted, and they cause glitches in the electrical connection because they force the engine to spin counter it's intended pattern. He's going to send it in to this metal-casting company, who's going to send him the first real proto. If it works, he's going to try and market it, mainstream, via the web and a few hobby shops in Sarasota. Actually, he just received an email from someone who noticed an inquiry he made online (feeling out who might be interested in the part), and is looking to market such a piece, as well as create others of the same nature. They might be sold as a part of a kit for around $40, but it's a quality part that's been poorly designed, in the past, and Michael's design will allow for better function of the motor, to the propeller.  It's quite simply ingenious, and I'm exceedingly proud of him. EDIT:  He's just been sent a 3D model from the company. It's really happening. Amazing.
  • I've been walking at least four miles a day, and switching out days of working on the Total Gym with Biking a few miles. My free-weights are seeming extensions of my hands, now. I've been sore, but very energized, and I feel as if I'm exercising my ridiculous fight with food away, if that makes any sense. Really, that I'm focusing my energy in a more positive fashion; truth be told, I'm rather proud of that.
I hope you're all enjoying your summer, thus far. Have fun, but be safe.
I'd love to see you.

Have I mentioned how much I'm in love with that boy?
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