i haven't been online much because i don't have internet or a computer at the new house yet. hopefully that will change soon.
everything is going extremely well. the house is great, i am completely moved in and i've been hanging out with a lot of close friends and partying a lot and setting things up in the house. i love it there so much.
i am at my parents' house right now doing laundry. hahaha.
i just got back from camping with erin and jenny. it was awesome, minus the asshole fond du lac guys and the raccoon attack. it was a good time. i love camping. i get to go again soon too :-).
not much else. life is so good. hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves. i know i am.
a survey for old times' sake.
1. You are in the Witness Protection Program and must invent a new first, middle, and last name: lily bianca leafjacket (hahaha. dunno where that came from.)
2. You are in a threesome with two famous people, alive or dead. Who are they? james dean and johnny depp.
3. You are in charge of naming your new band. What's the name of the band? stegasaurus
4. You are going to get a free tattoo. What would it be? a tree on the side of my torso
5. You are being forced to listen to one song over and over, ad infinitum, as a form of torture. What song would it be? "solsbury hill" by peter gabriel
6. You are leaving your state/province. What state do you move to? illinois
7. You are leaving your country, where would you move? france or england
8. You get to choose one book as the best ever written. What book do you choose? "the perks of being a wallflower"
9. You get to choose one movie as the best ever made. What movie do you choose? life as a house. maybe not the best ever but it's my favorite.
10. You get to spend one day each as a bird, an insect, and a mammal. What bird would you be? What insect? What mammal? a crow, a walking stick, a dolphin
11. You get to relive one year of your life. Which year? 2006, even though it isn't over yet. i'd probably like to relive last summer too because it was the best one ever.
12. Which would you least like to relive? 7th grade
13. You have a time machine that will take you backwards anywhere from 1800 to the present. the 60s for sure
14. You must choose to go skydiving or very-deep-sea diving: skydiving
15. You get to return to the past (using that handy dandy time machine we were talking about before) and have a sexual encounter with a movie star that is no longer alive: james dean. we discussed this before. ooh or jim morrison.
16. You get to be a contestant on any game show, airing today or in the past. What show do you want to be on? wheel of fortune
17. You are given $1 million dollars but you must give it all to one charity. What charity do you choose? hmm i don't know charities specifically but i think i'd like to give it to adoption agencies or agencies that help impoverished children or children abandoned by their parents, especially in less developed countries.
18. You must ban one word from the dictionary and all usage to be no longer uttered or written. What word do you ban? nigger
19. You can have 100 million dollars tax-free but if you take it, you'll die at the age of 50. Do you take it? naah.