honesty is great and i can't help it.
i am trying to wait to go to sleep. but i'm on the verge of passing out on the keyboard.
my friends are beautiful and bonfires are fantastic, even when you have to walk like a mile into a field and the woods and almost get raped by joey when he hops out of the bushes.
bob got so drunk he made out with a log.
i suck and i'm feeling honest and here's a survey.
1. My ex is- a good guy who i miss hanging out with
2. I am listening to- myself typing
3. Maybe I should- drink some more water
4. I love- my friends more than anything ever
5. My bestfriend(s)- MELISSA! and desi and lizzy
6. I don't understand- why i have had so many headaches in the past few days
7. I lost- my ability to stay up really really late
8. People say- i have great boobs
9. The meaning of my screen name- i love everyone
10. Love is- a fucking fantastic feeling until it's gone, then it hurts more than anything
11. Somewhere, someone is- masturbating
12. I will always- tell my friends how much i love them
13. Forever seems- like a really fucking long time
14. I never want to- lie to the people i love
15. My mobile phone- has no reception in the house
16. When I wake up in the morning- i check my phone for messages/missed calls, then pee
17. I get annoyed when- people are mean for no reason
18. Parties are- fucking great
19. My pet(s) are/is- the cutest pets ever, don't mess
20. Kisses are the best when- you feel something
21. Today I- did a lot of things but the most important thing is that i made sure my friends knew how much i loved them
22. Tomorrow I will- search for jobs near my new house
23. I really want- a chicken gyro