May 23, 2005 18:35
my subject.
wow. i used to think it was like the coolest thing to have like 200 people on my buddy list on AIM. and then talk to like not even half of them. but i felt important because i knew that many people.
right now i have like 47. and i talk to almost all of them. but some people are barely on. im not on that much. or im like on and you can see me on, but im not at my computer.
but its weird. because when i was in 6th grade i was soo in need for friends. that i tried to know everyone. and it just didn't work.
weirdddddddddddddddddd. im such a loser.
sunday was cool. don't remmeber what i did. just know it was cool.
oh wait.
i went to go see star wars.
i defidently didn't remmeber all that happened and so i was lost. and had a headache and i was in the front row. but it was still cool. i thought darth vader was from toy story? whats up with that. i defidently didn't know what was going on.
and ummm today was awesome.
school was school.
volleyball was volleyball.
the works.
going to young life tonight. if you ever want to join me i will totally do that!
this is going to be a very entranced post with lots of thoughts. so just get ready to ride the roller coaster :)
have you ever wanted to just get away from the world? just go somewhere all by yourself. from friends, family, school, stress, and the works? i have always wanted to. but no matter where you go, there is always going to be something. at the elementary parks there are mean kids that can make you realize things. in your own room there are things. there are reminders everywhere about everything. no matter whats bugging you.
don't you ever wish there was something like this where this is nothing around you. and you can just be alone. away from the stress. away from the big mean kids who pick on your and judge you. and away from the world. and you're just with yourself. to have time to yourself.
i wish there was. but too bad there isn't. i like going on walks. it always frees myself from those thoughts. they are awesome. just me and my dog. going somewhere. to get out of the house. never knowing where we are really going to end up. and we just sit places. and dance and sing. and its fun. yeah like she really knows whats going on. but she seems to get excited. haha.
there are always little things like fighting to take the words "under god" out of the pledge of allegiance that racket people off. that you always need some kind of alone time. i mean wow. people have the right to now say it, you're not being forced, so why take it out? when thats how it was originally made. you have the right to not say it, so don't if you don't agree with those words. and if we were to take that off, why not take it off the dollar too? i mean i might as well not offend you with my dollars and just not give you any money. think about that one.
although there are those little things that are there to bug you. look at the positives in life, and live for those. even if you loose something good. there is always something better on its way.
jenny had an entry on materialism kind of. it made me think more about that. do you really need the things you use everyday? yeah sure computers are useful. but you can live without it. yes you really can. so why be on it like 5 hours everyday? thats just plain silly. and you don't need new clothes. those ones in the back of the closet that don't happen to be "in" anymore fit just fine. wear them. because there are people out there with nothing.
yeah just had to say that.