Dec 22, 2010 20:37
wonder if I can get any of this time back, its not like i used it for anything important, like spending time with people I love, taking care of myself, working and sleeping... Whos to say if sleep counts either... without that list I do nothing. I don't watch TV, fall into books anymore, I dont even play that many videogames anymore. Where does all my time go? I guess 50 off the top for work sucks and actually getting 8 or so hours a night adds up too... 168 hours in a week, and 106 gone off the bat... then you take out time spent doing laundry and cleaning the house, another 20 or so, the time getting ready for work daily, another 5 hours, that leaves me with the time between work and sleep, and the time between dinner and bed on my days off... no wonder I am losing my mind, all my free time is going to unwinding...
NOTE TO SELF- Find a way to get time off without having to use it all for things you NEED to do...