OK as you may have noticed I don't exactly post here very often. It takes a little bit too much effort but when something like last night happens... I have to put pen to paper so to speak..
9 hours later and I'm still reeling. How they could do that to Ianto I still don't know, especially after killing Tosh and Owen at the end of series 2, but I am starting to get a sneaking suspicion that there isn't going to be a nice neat loophole for them to get out of this one. That's Heroes territory. They very rarely seem to have the gut's to just straight out kill someone. In fact for 3 series in a row now they've made it appear as if Nathan is dead but miraculously they've found some way to keep him living on! Not on Torchwood. On my pretty shiny oh so homoerotic show dead really is dead, which is possibly why I'm still crying this morning. I was sure they were going to find a way to save Tosh and Owen at the end of last series and I'm still going to watch tonight’s episode with the hope that it will have all been some horrible nightmare, but that's what it will be... A hope. As the saying goes: more in hope than expectation.
I fully expect that Russell T Davies and co have done the ballsy thing and killed him. Ballsey? Yes. Workable? We shall see. I don't see Torchwood working without it's emotional centre. I know they've built up Gwen as the emotional hub (so to speak) but does anyone really believe that? Ianto always has been the glue keeping the pieces together, especially Jacks, and now... How will Torchwood work with just Jack and Gwen? Will it work? Will it all fall down around their ears? Will Gwen's baby go full term now there's no-one else to help carry Jacks burdens? Oh my head hurts!
One thing that irks me quite a lot is Ianto's confession of love at the end. Not because he said it but because of Jacks reaction to it. In that moment, as you're watching your 'boyfriend' die while confessing, for what I assume is the first time, that he loves you would you really just respond with "don't"? I don't care if you don't feel it back. TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM!!! HE'S DYING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!! Give the poor lad a break. After everything that happened during the last 2 episodes, all the skeletons that came pouring out of Jack’s cupboard, after all the pain he caused everyone Ianto still found it in his heart to see the Jack that he thought was buried in there somewhere and while he was dying Jack still held it back from him. Gutted.
So, do I want Ianto back? Hell yes! I am however kind of torn on this one now. I really REALLY want him back because, along with Dean Winchester and series one Peter Pettrelli, he's one of my favourite sci-fi characters on TV at the moment. I really want him back. I've been bursting into tears on and off all night. However, I really don't want Torchwood to go down the "oh look everything's all right again, fooled ya!" route that Heroes has been taking. I love this show. I've stuck with it since Day 1 (literally and figuratively) even when it was pulled apart by everyone else I knew. I thought that that loyalty was really paying off this week with the episodes being so incredibly good and, particularly last nights, so thought provoking. Then they did that. Torchwood will never be the same, Jack will never be the same (and yes I do kind of blame him a little bit!), I will never be the same.
Ianto Jones 1983-2009... May you rest in peace. :'(