Helllo:) Do you can believe I'm really here??Yes it's me Nikki:)
I have very good mood today because someone who is precious for me is a winner and he got a title SkiFlying World Champion I'm so happy cause it was his first time on this big skijump, but he did wonderful work. and I mean here cute Austrian Gregor Schlierenzauer who is the new skiflying World-Champion. Silver went to Martin Koch and Janne Ahonen won the bronze medal.
I can't to tell you about my joy, you can only imagine it right? I hope:D
Schlieri is the best ski jumper!!! and Ski Fly^^
Yeah, He's Champion!! only 18 years old and so wonderful power:)
And with difference.... I canged my LAYOUT -chack it if you are curious a little bit;) I think is good and I made it almost alone^^
I feel fine right now,cause I'm enjoy:D
Okay I need to calm little bit cause I'm afraid that I'll not asleep today:D heh , but with him I can be enjoy and enjoy.
~Congratulations for my favorite Chamion!!~:)
~greetings for you all my lovely friends~
PS: Anke don't worry I feel bit better and I missed you lot!!
And Jutta, my dear thanks for the christams gift:) I missed you too!!
And I miss you All always!!
Yours Nikki:)