Title: Ask
belial_mudoh Characters/Pairing: Dean/Sam, Sam/Jess
Rating: NC-17 (overall, PG-13 in this chapter)
Word Count: 295
Spoilers: None. Pre-series.
Warnings: Incest, angst, bad language.
Disclaimer: It's not mine. Sadly.
Summary: Jess could always read him, even after that night.
Author's Notes: Thank you a lot,
xbreakyourheart for the quick, amazing beta. Any remains mistakes are my own. Title is from The Smiths' song.
"You slept with someone else." Jess' voice reverberated in the quiet room.
Sam shivered and looked up from his book. One of most amazing characteristics of Jess' was her incredible perception. Sometimes she could read him without effort. He had always liked that. Until that night.
"I can smell him on you, Sam. Don't try to deny it."
Sam swallowed dry at this. He had cleaned himself after waking up alone, but hadn't taken a proper bath. His brother's scent was all over his body. He just couldn't let it go away too.
"Jess, I..."
"I'm leaving, Sam," she said, standing up from the sofa, grabbing her bag.
"Please, don't!"
Jess stared at him in silence, tears filling her eyes.
"Are you in love with him?"
For my whole life.
Sam remained in silence, big fat tears filling up his eyes, clouding his vision.
"'Cause you can't have both, you know?"
"I don't want to lose you..." ... Or Dean.
But Dean was probably lost at this point. He had left. And probably wasn't coming back. Didn't pick up any of his calls through the day. `You can't have both`, for Sam, sounded like 'You can't have Dean, forget about it.'
"I don't want you to leave. Please, stay."
"So why, Sam?" She was crying.
"It was a mistake."
And it really was. The biggest mistake of all his life. Bigger than leaving for Stanford without telling him before.
"I'm sorry." And he really was.
He came closer to Jess, trying to hug her, to wipe away their tears.
"Take a bath first..." she whispered.
"Come with me. Don't leave me alone, please. Never."
And she did as he told her. For all of her life, she tried to never leave him alone again.