*ding* Levelled Up

Jan 13, 2009 22:53

Originally published at my other blog. You can comment here or there.

Guess what?

Finally found a place to live! It’s a modest unit that, I think, is absolutely adorable inside. It’s got a tiny, newly renovated bathroom and kitchen and the amount of living space is perfect for Tim and I. While the rent is a bit dear, the costs even out as I can probably walk to and from work from the place (or take a 3 minute car ride), hence saving travel expenses and most importantly, time lost in travelling!

I absolutely cannot believe we were picked out of all the other applicants though. When we went for the property inspection, there were 12 other people there who was also looking around. Tim overheard a couple gushing about how they really liked the place. We thought we’d have no chance given our dismal rental history (i.e. none) and currently meager income. Nonetheless, we put in our application and hoped for the best.

During the break at college this morning, I got a phone call from the agent. Part of the phone call went like this:
Agent: So you’ve never rented before?
Me: Yes.
Agent: And you still live with your parents?
Me: Yes.
Agent: And Tim also hasn’t rented before and he still lives with his parents?
Me: Yes.
[Heart sinks]
Agent: … Well would you like to come to our office today to put down a $300 holding deposit and come in on Friday to sign the lease?
Me: Whaaaa-sure!! Of course!

WHAT A TWIST! It was pretty surreal and completely surprising. I could barely concentrate on class after that, with not only the excitement about renting out first time EVER but also the new worries about moving and buying stuff.

Thankfully our collective families have amassed enough unwanted stuff that they’re happy to palm it off on us, which means our starting costs other than the bond and other costs are minimised. But we still need to figure out when/how to move stuff, how to connect the utilities, and very importantly, how to get internet up and running ASAP. By that, I mean we should really try to get that all figured out before we sign the lease on Friday.

In the midst of all this (including the large chunks of my days taken up by college of law) I have a 60% assessment for Family Law to prepare for Thursday. It’s a mock-hearing for an interim property application. Oh joy.

Blargh, such a tiring day. Can’t be bothered to look over what I wrote. Time to sleep. =_=
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