Why do I need a subject?

Jun 21, 2005 22:28

I feel pressure to come up with a clever subject line. I dislike pressure.

There are moments when I feel the need to write. This might be one of them. Let's see what happens. I have been very busy lately or at least it seems that way. I work, sleep, eat, read, and use sick time. I spent almost three weeks house-sitting for the 'rents while they had a marvey time in Brussels. Tres jealous, I am. Oui, je ne parle pas francais. Cleaning up after sept chats est tres répugnant. They did bring gifts. A shirt and coasters from Paris. A tile from Holland. And chocolate, A Bad Beginning (en francais), a stuffed Milou (Tintin's dog), and several more comic figurines for my collection. I collect Smurfs, Asterix and Obelix, and Tintin.

I have been reading a bit. Here are my latest books:

The Unhandsome Prince (cute)
The Glass House People (Not that great; prefer Sweet Miss Honeywell's Revenge)
Jude (Pretty Good, fast paced, suspenseful. Would recommend to teen boys.)
Faerie Wars (Enjoyed main plot. Subplot was unnecessary. This is definitely for teens.)
The Third Eye (Lois Duncan. 'nuff said)
Prom (Interesting urban Cinderella story. Couldn't relate, but still good. Prefer Anderson's other books.)
Nobody Does it Better (Trashy fun)
Boy Proof (I liked it. Odd main character. Kept picturing a bald Zooey Deschanel. Funny, I also picture Vanessa of Gossip Girl the same way.)
Orlando Bloom Has Ruined Everything (Fox Trot. Love this strip.)
Rob&Sara.com (blech! Does anyone really talk like this over email? I skimmed parts to fend off boredom and vomit.)
Whispering to Witches (Cute fantasy. Would offer to younger readers, but there are much better fantasy tales out there.)

I am currently reading And Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers. I need to place Time Traveler's Wife on hold. Keep hearing that it's excellent.

Work has been loony. Summer reading is in full swing. I think our decor is quite awesome. The children's collection, however, looks like a bomb dropped. Such a mess and no time to clean. One of our librarians is moving into the position of AV selector for the system and rather than add a new librarian, we will get a reference assistant, I think. I will have to pick up some of the teen responsibilities. Not a prob except for programming. I suck in that area. Today the network was wonky and we were without water for about an hour. I also came up with a song. Think Smelly Cat. "Smelly man, smelly man, why don't you wash yourself? Smelly man, smelly man, just use some soap!" He could use some soap in the restroom. I would not have a problem with it. Working with the public can cause you to think evil thoughts, but it's never dull. Oh, and I had a very pleasant conversation with t.v. lady. She even waited when I had to place her on hold twice to take other calls. She never waits for the others. :)

B's best friend is flying in tomorrow for his first Indy visit. B is very excited. He loves acting as tour guide and is really quite good at it. I'm taking off Thursday and Friday to hang with the boys. Don't worry, I'm giving them plenty of alone time to talk about computers and other boy things. Next weekend, we are heading to MI to see ma famille. Shall be fun. Oh, and my hair fix-it gal is MIA. Again! I'm done with her. Now, can I find someone new before our trip?

Must clean up a bit and go night night. Sweet dreams! Bonne nuit mes enfants!
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