Blah, blah, blah

May 30, 2005 21:01

Sitting here watching the race awards ceremony. Really just wanted to see Danica. As I predicted, she wore something slinky and black.

Had a rather good weekend. Friday night was fun. Spent it out with J and K for K's last night. Ate tasty India Garden, to-die-for Godiva cheesecake, shopped at Borders, and great conversation. I think we all had a good time. J, I'll try to think of some of those books. Oh, try Laurie Halse Anderson and Sarah Dessen. Oh, and Libba Bray, Edward Bloor, MT Anderson (Feed and Burgerwuss), Herbie Brennan, Hilari Bell (The Goblin Wood), and Eva Ibbotson. I really like what I've read by these folks.

When I got home, B's sister and b-in-law were there. Talked for a while and then off to bed. On Saturday, we went to Trader Joe's to stock up. B's sister and b-in-law got tons of stuff to tide them over until we see them at Thanksgiving. We also finally saw Star Wars that evening. Lucas redeemed himself in my eyes. It was good enough that we want to see it once more in the theater. Sunday, we lounged around and ate. B cooked three yummy meals and made a delicious strawberry shortcake. He also fixed margaritas. Just lots of conversation and food. This morning, we ate at Cracker Barrel and they took off. Oh, and they gave us a documentary about our church that was made by Living Hope Ministries. They made the documentary to show Mormons that a cult can change its doctrine and find Christ. I can't find anything that says these folks were Mormons, but they seem to have made it their life goal to save them. Anyway, it was odd to watch the dvd. Listening to the people who led the church through the changes, watching footage of the world I grew up in, hearing the lies fed to my parents by the founder. As B's sister put it, it seems like we have lived two lifetimes. There was even footage of Mr. Tkach's shattering sermon on campus. Odd to think I was in that room. There were people in tears afterward. I mean, we had just heard him tell us that what we had been told all our lives had been wrong. There was a lot of confusion and uncertainty after that day.

That was my weekend. Tomorrow we begin gearing up for the summer reading program. Decorations and prize inventory are the goal tomorrow. Should be fun. Time to curl up with a book.
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