Apr 15, 2005 21:18
Countdown to tax deadline begins. B is finishing his state and then we are off to Kinkos to make copies. Then on to Downtown and the long line at the post office. We saw protesters last year. Hope we do again. I had no desire to get my taxes in early. I owe a very large amount on federal which I think is due to working two jobs.
i am exhausted. Today has consisted of so many highs and lows. I woke up excited because today we signed our lease. Then, B planted a seed of doubt in my mind because we will be paying a lot for this place. I was still determined to get the place though. We signed and went to the apartment. It's ginormous! As we went around the apartment, B kept commenting on every little thing he saw wrong. He's a perfectionist and it bothers him when things have a slight slant or he sees a small ding. This made me start crying because I was so terrified that we had made a mistake. B was really apologetic about freaking me out and bringing me down. We went home and there was a message from a friend about another friend who had gone in to labor. This was good news, but she mentioned that M's baby was breach (sp?) so she was headed into surgery. So, then I worried some more. B and I went for lunch, then back to the new place to tell the manager about a couple of things we noticed that needed to be fixed. Then we left and went to the bank to take care of new checks and address changes. Afterward, we went back home, I called my friend and found out that mom and baby were fine. That cheered me up quite a bit. We started focusing on taxes and B realized he was missing some forms. We were out of toner, so we went to Eagle and printed them off. The apartment is a huge mess so we took our paperwork, two bar stools, a bottle of pop, toilet paper, soap, and a hand towel to the new place to spread out. My parents came over and seemed to like it. Then they left and B realized that he needed another form and to call his dad, the accountant. We now had to buy toner and went home again. Now I am waiting for him to finish. We are not allowed to eat until we hand off our taxes. I'm starving.
Tomorrow, we need to go get groceries, visit my friend in the hospital and welcome her little boy, vacuum the new place, pack some boxes and move them over, and have a breakdown. Oh, he's ready! I'm out of here. Cross your fingers that I get to see protesters. It cheers me when people protest taxes.