(no subject)

Sep 10, 2005 18:32

i'm sick. and tired. and retarded.

i caught some nasty shit at work... a bronchial infection or something. but work is forcing me to come in and now 4 other people have this shit.

in the interrim i'm burning up with a fever and getting confused at everything. i can barely work. i can't have a conversation with anyone without getting fucking aggro and pissing them off. let's see... the running tally for today is:

my brother
my girlfriend
one of the phone coordinators at work
2 two co-workers

I feel like i walked in front of a bus before waking up... as many people as i've made angry today through my bumbling fever clouded mind, i should probablt just tach a beat-down list to my chest. come and get your licks in while belge can't hit back.

here's to a speedy recovery.
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