Apr 12, 2010 16:21
I had a very cool fashion moment this morning. As I was getting off the elevator at the other building, a lady tells me: "I love how you are dressed. I watch What not to Wear, and I can assure you that I am usually one of those ladies. You are not. You look like you are walking out of a magazine."
I thanked her and I added that I also watch What not to Wear, and that I've learned a lot from those folks. For that matter, I also used to watch Tim Gunn's Guide to Style where I learned that he subscribes to my theory that it all starts with a good foundation, whether you are getting dressed for the 16th Century or the 21st.
I miss Tim Gunn...
But yeah, those two shows have done wonders for my wardrobe. These days, I don't lose my time buying stuff just because it's cheap or "close enough." I have learned that I am best served by buying pieces that actually fit and that go well together rather than buying something just nilly-willy. It's much better to save my pennies by purchasing a nice set of something that I will wear all the time because it flatters me, than buying a number of pieces that are going to look awkward on me and that will remain forever in my closet.
A bargain like that, is no bargain.
These days I go shopping with a list, not unlike my supermarket list. Walking into a supermarket while hungry and without a list is a recipe for disaster. It's no different than walking into a clothing store. Having a clear list of "needs" and "wants" will help me stay away from temptation and buy the stuff that I will actually wear. And it will look fabulous on me.
Now, staying away from a good shoe sale is a stretch, but I can also go for it with my trusty list. Spend the cash on what I need. Then, if there is anything left, I can see if there is anything extra for temptations. And if I wait long enough, the temptation might be gone.
Nothing like a well made, elegant pair of shoes.
Especially if they are on sale.
Hmmmm .... shoes ....
And with this, boys and girls, I say good bye for now. I have a meeting to go, and now all I can think of is shoes.
~Belfebe out.
EDIT: By "good foundation" I mean a well fitting bra. Of course, in the 16th century it would have been an appropriately fitted corset or pair of bodies. It doesn't matter what period you are dressing for. The proper silhouette is the proper silhouette. Yes, that includes the 21st Century.