The Fabulous UK SnB blanket

Sep 25, 2007 19:58

Ok so I heard back from the London SnB group about the UK SnB blanket that I kindly signed us up for (aren't I nice?). So here's the details:

Woolly greetings fellow knitting group

Thanks ever so much for getting in touch with us and letting us know you are raring to be part of the SnB UK Blanket for UK SnB Day.

The S&B London Stitchettes have been hard at work planning and designing and have come up with a plan.

What we need from your group are:

* 2x knitted or crocheted squares (or a bit of both) measuring 20cm each side
* A list of the names of anyone who helped to create it
* Your official group name and where you meet (city or town)
* A little bit about your group if you have time

Instructions for the squares:
1. You don't have to do two squares. If you don't have time one is fine.
2. Squares must be 20cm by 20cm (though a couple of mm either side is ok)
3. Go wild with your design! There are no rules here.

But here are some ideas to help. You could:

* Put on your group name
* Intarsia or embroider something to represent your area
* Put on your group logo (if you have one)
* Knit items to stick on
* Knit words of group wisdom onto it

All squares need to be returned by the 31st of October 2007 at the very latest.

So I think we should spend a meeting or two knitting them up, after of course, we have decided on the design. And I imagine I could find something applicable in my mass of frightening stash items if required. So think of designs for a couple of weeks and start knitting on the 10th? What do you think?
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