Getting To Know You Meme, Take 3!

Aug 19, 2007 23:01

Quite a way back in the Beleriand Realm posts is a "Getting to Know You" Meme I created with the hope that it would help us become better acquainted with each other. While reading through earlier posts one of our new members, sulien77 came across it decided to post it with four additional questions she came up with. (I love 'em!) I've decided it's time to update the meme with her new questions and repost the form so, hopefully, those of us who haven't done it yet (which, embarrassingly includes myself!) will have a chance to! So without further ado...
The Getting To Know You Meme, Take 3!
(just don't ask why, since it's only the second time I've posted it, it's #3... -_^)
All you have to do is copy and paste the text in the scroll box into the HTML editor and fill in the answers... after the < /b> following each question so the formatting will work correctly, that is! Have fun!

Getting to Know You Meme, Take 3

1. What name do you prefer to be called online?
2. What is the origin of your username?
3. What is your least favorite thing to do?
4. What is your favorite thing to do?
5. Assuming you had the skills for it, what is your dream job?
6. Which is better; to work at a job you dislike that pays really well or to work at a job you love that barely pays enough to make ends meet?
7. What are your favorite types of clothes?
8. What is your dream vacation?
9. Name your 5 all time favorites:

tv shows:
music (songs, performers or genres):
10. What are your favorite guilty pleasures? (or most embarrassing ones, if you don’t actually feel guilty about them?)

tv shows:
music (songs, performers or genres):
11. What books do you love enough to have read them more than once?
12. What movies do you love enough to watch again and again?
13. Favorite food?
14. Favorite drink?
15. Favorite vacation spot?
16. What vehicle would you drive if money was not an object?

Edited to correct some formatting errors... hopefully I've got it right this time!


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