When you run from the gust, the breeze finds you, when you run from the breeze, the puff of air finds you, and when even you run from that, a breath of air finds you; the moving air is always about you; in your every inhaling and exhaling, you create it.
I'm in the process of exporting all my bookmarks to delicious.
O ye gods.
I'm up to 377 links. All of which I want to tag.
It's not tagging itself that's the problem, it's how to tag them, choosing names for the tags and and then choosing what tags to give which links; so that I can find them all again and not end up, "I know I saved this on delicious, but I can't find it again!".
Also, it just made me realize that I probably lost something like 1000+ links on my old comp, 90% of which H/D or H/D related or other fic links - this makes me sad. I wish I could get them back.
I know it'll be better once they're all in one place, but right now the thought of tagging and cleaning them all is rather daunting.
hee, I now have a tag called 'bored?' where I can go to waste time on the internet doing quizs and bard quests and such.
derryere made
fanmixes! (check out all the pretty music). I managed to grab one of her commissions spots in time and *flail* SO MUCH PRETTY. My coverart is even in such a wonderful shade of pink that goes perfectly for it *_* And I'm totally flailing at the art. Not to mention the choice of music. *_*
taggedish by
tearful_eye one hundred truths. (I lie. I haven't nearly answered all of the 100 thingamabobs. Or answered it seriously either.)
If you want to do it, here's a useful box where it's all clean and pretty and you just have to type in your answers.
001. real name?
002. nickname(s)?
003. zodiac sign?
004. male or female?
005. elementary?
006. middle school?
007. high school?
008. hair color?
009. tall or short?
010. loud or quiet?
011. sexual orientation?
012. phone or camera?
013. health freak?
014. drink or smoke?
015. do you have a crush on someone?
016. eat or drink?
017. piercings?
018. tattoos?
019. Been in an airplane?
020. Been in a relationship?
021. Been in a car accident?
022. been in a fist fight?
023. first piercing?
024. first best friend?
025. first award?
026. first crush?
028. first big vacation?
029. Last person you talked to?
030. Last person you texted?
031. Last person you watched a movie with?
032. Last food you ate?
033. Last movie you watched?
034. Last song you listened to?
035. Last thing you bought?
036. Last person you hugged?
037. food?
038. drinks?
039. clothing?
040. books?
041. music?
042. flower?
043. actor?
044. movies?
045. positions?
046. subjects?
IN 2008..... I
047. kissed in the snow:
048. celebrated halloween:
049. had your heart broken:
050. went over the minutes on your cell phone:
051. someone questioned your sexual orientation:
052. came out of the closet:
053. gotten into a fight:
054. had a transformation:
055. done something you've regretted:
056. broke a promise:
057. hid a secret:
058. pretended to be happy:
059. met someone who changed your life:
060. pretended to be sick:
061. left the country:
062. tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it:
063. cried over the silliest thing:
064. ran a mile:
065. went to the beach with your best friend(s):
066. stay single the whole year:
067. eating?
068. drinking?
069. i'm about to?
070. listening to?
071. plans for today?
072. waiting for?
073. want kids?
074. want to get married?
075. careers in mind ?
076. lips or eyes?
077. shorter or taller?
078. romantic or spontaneous?
079. nice stomach or nice arms?
080. sensitive or loud?
081. hook-up or relationship?
082. trouble-maker or hesitant?
083. lost glasses/contacts?
084. ran away from home?
086. killed somebody?
087. broken someone's heart?
088. been arrested?
089. cried when someone died?
090. yourself?
091. miracles?
092. love at first sight?
093. heaven?
094. santa claus?
095. sex on the first date?
096. kiss on the first date?
097. is there one person you want to be with right now?
098. are you seriously happy with where you are in life?
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people.
how to do your box thingy. I had trouble finding that. D: Cause I was searching for "box thingy" when it has a specific name, namely "scrolling text box".
001. Hiya I'm Zelda
002. I also have the nicknames: Dead Fish, DF, and I'm lazy.
003. I'm a Sagittarius
004. Hey, *checks* I have female organs. *flails* This is so cool. *flails some more*
005 to 007: telling you all my schools would be way too complicated. (I've had 8 diff ones) And really, I'm internet paranoid D:
008-9. blah blah dark blonde, shorty with a mustache and bitten nails.
010. I'm usually utterly silent, except for those incosequential not at all long-lasting moments when I scream and holler and jump about and talk and laugh really loudly. DOESN'T HAPPEN OFTEN.
011. sexual orientation? straightish
012. blah
013. blah
014. blah
015. do you have a crush on someone? right now, I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU.
016. I don't understand the stupid question.
017. blah
018. blah
019. I've been in airplanes. Even those tiny little 5-seater ones. Much more scary than beautiful, secure, comfy Airbuses, where you might have annoying neighbors and not enough space for your feet, but at least you aren't scared the rattling is an indication that the plane's going to fly apart.
020. I am in a constant relationship with myself and the world and mostly myself. We have lots of issues between us, me and myself. LOTS. Or so my therapist tells me. LIES. ALL OF IT. I'm a prefectly sane egoistical fanbrat.
021. I was hit by a car when I was 12. I HAVE THE SCARS TO PROVE IT. My parents flailed a lot when we were in the hospital. I just wanted two things: to go home and that my menstruation cramps would stop 'cause they really chose a bad time to manifest themselves for the first time. And maybe taking some of the gravel out of back would be nice too.
022. My fists are fight free. I'm not even fast enough to slap people.
023. blah
024. blah
025. blah
026. blah
028. blah
029. Last person I talked to: my wall. It has the unfortunate habit of not talking back, the scoundrel.
030. blah
031. blah
032. blah
033. blah
034. blah
035. blah
036. blah
Huge blah. I'm too lazy for so many lists. Even if I love lists.
IN 2008..... I (if it says yeah or nah, it's the right answer, but the question bored me enough that you probably don't need to look for it, and why would you want to waste your time like that? Unless you're a stalker fan of mine, in which case: 'I LOVE YOU' or 'EW, COOTIES' depending on my mood.)
047. nah
048. nah
049. nah - Actually, wait, Twilight broke my brain. Does that count?
050. nah
051. someone questioned your sexual orientation: ALL THE TIME. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS ABOUT ME.
052. nah
053. nah, or yeah? or couldn't care really.
054. nah
055. yeah
056. yeah
057. ... I don't think this question makes sense to me. If I'm hiding a secret, why would I tell you I'm hiding a secret? Isn't that just a bad way to hide the secret?
058. yeah
059. yeah
060. nah
061. yeah
062. I can't remember.
063. yeah
064. I deleted this and no longer remember the question and too lazy to go search for it.
065. I deleted this and no longer remember the question and too lazy to go search for it.
066. stay single the whole year: yeah, isn't it JUST TERRIBLE. I mean you'd think I'll be going uphill by now. You know, making some kind of progress on this front. People keep advising me, but I still don't know what to do or where to put it. I'm sure I could learn these things, but it isn't much help if you learn things by rote without doing or understanding. You would think with all the articles out there, this would be so much easier. But no, the crisis goes on, and on and on, and soon... I will lose all my money to UBS scoundrels.
blah-ing, nah-ing and yeah-ing.
073. want kids? nope
074. want to get married? nope
075. careers in mind ? nope
- okay, that seems a little bleak. All of the above doesn't mean I don't want to be an aunt, or have a relationship or write things or discover a pastime I love (jobs shouldn't be chores or your life's end; I object to career paths), because I do. ALSO, STOP FOISTING YOUR STANDARDS ON ME, YOU MEME.
076. lips or eyes? girl
077. shorter or taller? boy
078. romantic or spontaneous? girl
079. nice stomach or nice arms? boy
080. sensitive or loud? girl
081. hook-up or relationship? right now? boy
082. trouble-maker or hesitant? girl
... wait, that isn't how you answer it? oh, boy.
Ask me later.
097. is there one person you want to be with right now? Romantically? No.
098. are you seriously happy with where you are in life? Seriously? I'm never serious.
099. do you believe in God? STOP FOISTING YOUR STANDARDS ON ME. CHRISTIANITY ISN'T THE ONLY RELIGION OUT THERE, YOU MEME. But for answering with a non-answer that is still an answer: I think his existence is irrelevant of my belief in him.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people: TAG, YOU'RE IT.
And now if there's something you've been dying to know about me, go ahead and ask. I'll answer, or not. Seriously, or not.
PS: Rather unrelated to everything: My memory is shot and I'm stupid. Thatsallthanx.