Lack of Hot Water But No Lack of Books

Mar 08, 2009 02:05

We're out of heating oil.
Which defintely means no heating for the next days and possibly no hot water. Make that no hot water.
My parents are arguing about how this happened. This amuses me to no end.

So I'll be sleeping with two layers on and socks.

Heating oil costs gold nuggets pieces of paper that go 'poof' every time you turn your back; and refilling a tank in winter is more expensive (especially after the cold winter we've had and apparently a lot of people misjudged the mazout they'd need; demand goes up, supply goes down, prices go up, we frown) than refilling it during the summer.
We won't know until Monday when we'll get more fuel. Our plumber said that it could be up to a ten day wait. I hope he's wrong.

I could start heating water over a stove and take showers that way.

Or I'll just go to the indoor swimming pool near my house and steal a shower over there. *goes where the hot water is*

Not a New Concept, But One I Love

Random House, through their SFF website Suvudu, is realeasing free ebooks as part of their free online library.
Basically it's a marketing stunt to get a taste of the authors and make you buy the rest of their series but, hey, FREE BOOKS, right?
Naomi Novik's His Majesty's Dragon is on there, which will be interesting to try since I've been hesitant to buy the series.

Of course, the idea is, um, liberally copied off the Baen Free Library, who really was way ahead of everyone else in the SFF market.
I'm glad everyone is starting to catch on to the concept.

So if you're in need of SFF ebooks, well that's two three websites with free downloads. ( also has some occasional downloads.)

What are you waiting for?


I just saw Park Chan-Wook's film: Saibogujiman kwenchana (I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK).

It blew my mind into happy pieces of goo, and I'm still trying to understand it.

I really cannot recommend it enough. The closest thing I could compare it to is 'Amelie'. They're both that 'insane movie so wacky and so good yet has so much more behind it than just wackiness' kind of movie.
I want to see more movies like it.

want, free stuff, recs, movie, ebooks

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