Apr 24, 2008 22:18
An old post transferred here from somewhere else...
Some of my dreams leave a residual imprint on me. Some kind of feeling, a certain memory that is almost, almost believable. Like I actually lived through that occurrence. Last night it involved this Irish ruffian - he was a part of a gang - brothers, whether in blood or not - and he and I had just begun dating (though, in the dream it was more solid than just dating... I was "his girl"). He felt I was too privileged and therefore saw the need to cut holes in the heel and toe of my shoes with a rather large pocket knife, subsequently nicking one of my toes. When I complained of the pain and blood, he tossed the apparently closed knife to me and ended up just missing my left eye, the exposed knife point leaving a small mark on my cheek. This being Dream-world, I found none of this cause to walk out on my Irish boy. Instead, I went out with him and his cronies and their respective lady friends to a place filled with grand, winding staircases. I remember thinking to myself "I don't want to go home with him... I don't want to spend the night with him - it will be our first night together and I really don't want anything to do with it." But that wasn't the only thing I was fretting over ... my best girl friend from high school had just started dating a boy some years her junior and I was admonishing her for that, feeling guilty myself because I had introduced them. Come to find out, they had met a month and a half (specifically "dating for 45 days") prior and had set it up to only look as though I was the party responsible for their meeting. And all I could think was "Geez, I hope she makes sure he wears a condom."
It's just the strangest thing when real life - people we actually know - get introduced into dreams. It lends some eerie credence to an otherwise fantastical state.