18 goals for 2018

Jan 14, 2018 23:59

icon: "nascent (a painting by Michael Whelan of a person with long flowing hair and large breasts sitting naked and cross-legged inside a green egg, which is being held against the sky by giant blue hands with pointy nails)"
I always make my goals too difficult and too specific, so this year I'm trying to make it simpler and include ideas under broad goals.

1. More LJ!
2. Host more gathers. 
3. Work on my journal-book! 
4. Make some fractals! 
5. Be amazing at work. 
6. Be in nature more. 
7. Maintain and develop my relationship with Topaz. 
8. Strengthen my local connections.
9. Strengthen my long-distance connections. 
10. Keep life records.
11. Make new friends. 
12. More physical exertion & stronger muscles. 
13. Be more active with art. 
14. Touch more people and connect intimately with people. 
15. Invest in my home and self-decorating.
16. Reach out first. 
17. Do activism. 
18. Witness more art and write about it.

1. More LJ!
 ◯  Post more often including short easy posts!
 ◯  1 22-day writing streak or 2 13-day writing streaks
 ◯  156 LJ entries (aim for 3 times a week)
 ◯  Do year-overviews:
 → ◯  2012
 → ◯  2013
 → ◯  2014
 → ◯  2017
 ◯  Redo my "characters in the story of my life" post

2. Host more gathers.
 ◯  8+ gathers with 5 or fewer people (hearts and crafts!)
 ◯  2+ gathers with more than 6 total people
 ◯  structured gathers, 1+ each
 → ◯  crafty party
 → ◯  cuddly communion
 → ◯  make-out party
 → ◯  intimacy practice

3. Work on my journal-book!
 ◯  get all the fluff out
 → ◯  2003-2005
 → ◯  2006-2008
 → ◯  2009-2011
 → ◯  2012-2014
 → ◯  2015-2017
 → ◯  get all of it tagged

4. Make some fractals!
 ◯  buy Chaotica and render that one that broke my heart
 ◯  write descriptions
 ◯  also share them!

5. Be amazing at work.
 ◯  take on more responsibility
 ◯  do useful research
 ◯  get a promotion

6. Be in nature more.
 ◯  13+ new nature site visits (places that I have never been)
 ◯  Go to the woods alone at least once a month when it is warm

7. Maintain and develop my relationship with Topaz.
 ◯  don't sleep over more than 3 times a week
 ◯  don't watch more than an hour of shows per day when we're together
 ◯  be more deliberate about setting aside time for cuddles
 ◯  Visit at least 20 state parks together

8. Strengthen my local connections, especially with Allison, Quinn, Sande, and Kylei.
 ◯  8 me-initiated text/app conversations with Allison, Sande, Quinn, Kylei (each).
 ◯  8 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 hangouts with Allison.
 ◯  3 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 hangouts with Kylei, Quinn, Sande (each).

9. Strengthen my long-distance connections.
 ◯  with Adi
 ◯  with Elizabeth
 ◯  with J
 ◯  with Anika
 ◯  with Katy
 ◯  and others

10. Keep life records.
 ◯  344 days of charting my moods and activities (aim for daily)
 ◯  300 cell phone snapshots
 ◯  280 days of best-worst-weird (aim for daily)
 ◯  55 love bank entries (check weekly)
 ◯  33 dreams recorded
 ◯  Keep track of media: books, films, shows, music, etc

11. Make new friends.
 ◯  go to more places with strangers and strike up conversations
 ◯  go to poetry open mics
 ◯  go to activist meet n greets
 ◯  go to meditation events
 ◯  go to queer events
 ◯  meet at least 8 new people one-on-one
 ◯  8 new casual friends made or re-made
 ◯  find 2+ new local friends who I click with
 ◯  find 2+ new LJ friends who I can build with
 ◯  8 group hangouts (me plus 2 or more of my tribe)

12. More physical exertion & stronger muscles.
 ◯  Do brisk walks, at least 6 miles per week
 ◯  Do more core and arm strength workouts
 ◯  Go swimming!

13. Be more active with art.
 ◯  post on instagram and DeviantArt
 ◯  browse DeviantArt and rebuild my personal digital gallery
 ◯  200 photos or fractals uploaded and described
 ◯  13 self-portraits that I like
 ◯  13 fractals made
 ◯  8 non-digital artworks created (aim for 1 per month)
 ◯  2+ pages in my book of magic written
 ◯  1 new set of talismans made
 ◯  at least 1 photoshoot

14. Touch more people and connect intimately with people.
 ◯  13+ people cuddled
 ◯  cuddly communions
 ◯  make-out parties
 ◯  5+ people kissed (at least 1 new person)
 ◯  3+ people engaged in intense physical intimacy
 ◯  4 intimacy practices
 ◯  Do ritual and energy-weaving
 ◯  1 or more energy-exchange experiences with new people
 ◯  at least 1 new kind of sexual/physical intimacy experience

15. Invest in my home and self-decorating.
 ◯  Organize my clothes, keep them tidy.
 ◯  Give away stuff I don't want and/or don't use.
 ◯  Organize my craft stuff and keep it tidy.
 ◯  Tidy my bedroom regularly.
 ◯  Clean my bathroom regularly.
 ◯  Vaccuum regularly.
 ◯  Tidy the living room regularly.

16. reach out first.
 ◯  180 instances of unprompted openness (aim for daily)
 ◯  try to keep up with text responses at least once daily
 ◯  share something about me
 ◯  ask questions
 ◯  birthday

17. Do activism.
 ◯  donate at least 11 percent of each paycheck to a variety of organizations/people
 ◯  self-educate
 ◯  write stuff to educate and skill-share
 ◯  lead at least 1 workshop at a large gather /conference / etc
 ◯  go to at least 2 activist work meetings

18. Witness more art and write about it.
 ◯  8+ book/film/tv show reviews (aim for monthly)
 ◯  go to 4+ art exhibits or art festivals
 ◯  go to 4+ music or dance concerts


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