2016 goals: progress so far

May 03, 2016 23:59

icon: "exuviate (photo of a dragonfly with shimmery green wings after its last metamorphosis, standing next to its previous exoskeleton)"
Goals for 2016!
[long list]
Do year-overviews for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

Redo my "characters in the story of my life" post.

More physical exertion & stronger muscles.

Keep track of media: books, films, shows, music, articles.
 ◯  More work on my etsys and art fb.

500 photos taken that I liked, sorted and uploaded.

280 instances of unprompted openness (aim for daily).

280 days of keeping up with text responses at least once daily (aim for daily).

280 days of taking one cellphone snapshot daily (aim for daily).

280 days of correct calendar notes (aim for daily).

280 days that include a spiritual practice, aiming for early in the day (aim for daily).

220 LJ entries (aim for daily).

88 love bank entries (check weekly).
 ◯  77 fractals made.

55 dreams recorded.
 ◯  44 artworks created (aim for weekly).

44 days of reading a spiritual book (aim for weekly).

44 30-minute meditations (aim for weekly). [14 so far]
 ◯  33 intuitions recorded.

16 intimacy practices. [only 1 so far, ugh]

13 or more people cuddled. [8 so far: Heather, Kylei, Topaz, Sande, Jessica, Evelyn, Roger, Sydney]

13 new nature site visits. [at least 2: cascade springs, lavender farms]

13 new casual friends made or re-made. [at least 5: Sande, Katie, Serenity, Sy, Rocky]

13 self-portraits that I like. [2 so far]

11 group hangouts (me plus 3 or more of my tribe). [4: my graduation party, my bday, heather's bday, Euphoria]

11 me-initiated text conversations with Sydney, Allison (each). [2 Allison, 3 Sydney]

11 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 hangouts with Kylei, Heather, Sydney, Allison, Sande (each).
[1 Kylei, 3 Heather, 2 Allison, 3 Sande, 1 Sydney]

8 me-initiated text/app conversations with Abby, Anita, Adi (each). [1 Abby, 3 Anita, 1 Adi]

8 me-initiated fb/app messages to Heather, Kylei, Kat, Hannah. [slacking with this]

8 crafty parties (aim for monthly). [2 attempted, 1 happened]

8 book/film/show reviews (aim for monthly). [1 so far]

8 spiritual/cuddle events hosted or attended (aim for monthly). [1 cuddly communion]

5 or more people kissed (at least 1 new person). [2 previous, 1 new]

3 or more people engaged in intense physical intimacy. [1 previous]
 ◯  3 or more energy-exchange experiences with new people.

3 new good friends made. [3 potential, uncertain so far]
 ◯  3 or more pages in my book of magic written.
 ◯  3 new photo posts.
 ◯  3 music-sharing posts.
 ◯  3 art inspiration posts.
 ◯  2 new kinds of sexual/physical intimacy experiences.
 ◯  2 22-day writing streaks.

2 workshops led at a large gather. [1 'intimacy roulette' at Euphoria]

2 sets of talismans made. [1 set completed, 1 set half-finished]
 ◯  2 nude photoshoots! at least.
 ◯  1 set of icons made.
 ◯  1 set of card readings.

1 burn-centered event attended. [Euphoria]
 ◯  1 new job.
 ◯  1 new dwelling place.

◯  1 legalized name.

goals, lists

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