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soundofsunlight February 2 2016, 11:40:10 UTC
Something similar happened to me some years ago. For a short time I had half a dozen local friends; we weren't very close, but we would get together on a regular basis. They seemed to like me, and seemed to like coming to the various social events, but after a while they just stopped coming. I have no idea why; nothing had changed. If it was just a few individuals...but it was nearly all of them. And I know at least some of them kept in touch with each other, so it was apparently just me they weren't interested in any more. For a while I kept trying but nothing I did made a difference, and it was upsetting me more than I could deal with. Eventually I stopped trying, and stopped considering them friends, because they weren't any more. I never understood what happened, though.

The idea of never making a new friend...that's something I think about sometimes, and it's very painful and distressing, and I don't know what to do about it. I try to focus on what I have, and sometimes that's enough, but sometimes it's not. I especially struggle with wanting a romantic relationship with someone local, and I'm reluctant to even admit that because people always say "you shouldn't feel like you need a relationship to be happy" and I get where they're coming from, but I do need that.

btw, I like that you say what kind of comments are welcome. When I was first reading your entry, I thought of sharing my experience, but I wasn't sure if that would be welcome; I don't want to make it about me, I was just reminded of this, and I tend to say whatever comes to mind. But I know some people don't appreciate that, and I never know when it's okay, so it's very helpful to have some guideline.

I also do energy work, and have time to give now. I'm not sure if I can help with something like this, but I will give it a try.


belenen February 4 2016, 04:26:16 UTC
Thank you for sharing your story <3 I feel you. And I am pretty much always up for hearing a story in response to something I share, so you know ;-)

Thank you, the energy work on my behalf means the absolute WORLD to me.


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