overview of goals for 2015: satisfied / goals for 2016: sorta more reasonable yet more intense

Jan 01, 2016 23:58

icon: "exuviate (photo of a dragonfly with shimmery green wings after its last metamorphosis, standing next to its previous exoskeleton)"
[wins and misses for 2015 goals]500 photos taken that I like. (
) I haven't actually looked through them, but I took enough photos that I'm pretty sure I'd like at least 500.
365 instances of unprompted openness. (
) nooooo. I'd say maybe 80? it's hard.
365 days of keeping up with text responses at least once daily. (
) I didn't do this perfectly, but I did more than 2/3rds of the days, so it's a win.
365 days of taking one cellphone snapshot daily. (
) I didn't do this perfectly, but I did more than 2/3rds of the days, so it's a win.
303 days that include a spiritual practice, aiming for early in the day. (
) nope. I did great at the beginning of the year but then everything went off.
252 LJ entries. (
) 172, not quite, but pretty good.
88 love bank entries. (
) no I forgot this existed *terribly sad face* if you did something very sweet for me please remind me so I can write it down.
77 fractals. (
) no, I made the most beautiful one ever and then it wouldn't render and I tried over and over and I was too upset about that to move on to a new fractal, fail.
55 dreams recorded. (
) 18, not even half of what was intended.
55 artworks created. (
) not quite, but it was at least 40, so I'm marking it a success.
55 intuitions recorded. (
) nope, maybe 5.
55 days of reading a spiritual book. (
) nope, maybe 20?
44 me-initiated text conversations with KWT, Abby, Anika, Kat, Allison, Jaime (each). (
) nope turns out I wayyy overestimated my potential.
44 me-initiated fb messages to Heather and Kylei (each). (
) noooo boo.
30 30-minute meditations. (
) nope, maybe 12?
16 intimacy practices. (
) nope, I think we did 11, but I am counting it as a win because of alllll the shit that went down.
13 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 hangouts with KWT, Kylei, Heather, Jaime, Allison (each). (
) No, but I did more than half! this is a win!
14 w Heather

9 w Allison

9 w Kylei

7 w Jaime

KWT isn't counted because they cut out very early in the year.
11 new casual friends made. (
) my reaction was to laugh and say nope, but then when I counted it was about 16! I'm counting people I have know peripherally for years but never REALLY talked to.
8 crafty parties. (
) nope and I'm not even going to count because I think it's like 3 *deep frown*
7 new park visits (parks I haven't been to before). (

) I did 14!!! partly because Topaz dragged me up mountains but hey it counts.
4 concerts. (
) no, I think I went to 2? can't remember. Need to use the word 'concert' on the calendar next time.
4 sets of talismans made. (
) no. feeling distressed about this.
3 sets of icons made. (
) no. I don't even remember if I did one.
3 new good friends made. (
) I got 2 out of 3: Sydney and Cass. They're both quite wonderful so I'm satisfied. Also the Odd Squad bond has strengthened, so I am counting that as a good friend. Group relationships are their own thing.
2 22-day writing streaks. (
) not quite, but so close that I'm counting it.
2 sets of card readings. (
) nope but that's alright.
2 musicsharing posts. (
) nope and I'm sad about that.
2 art inspiration posts. (
) nope, boo.
1 new tattoo. (
) money bleh.
1 long (3.5+ hour) drive by myself. (
) no, but I couldn't anyway because my car isn't up for it.
1 burn-centered event. (
) nope. money.
1 class led at a convention. (

) did FOUR at TWO cons, plus panels.
More physical exertion. (
) yep!
More work on my etsys and art fb and local selling of my art. (
) I did do more, but not much more.
More writing in my book of magic. (
) Yes! I made some new spells which I have been meaning to transcribe but haven't yet oops.
More new kinds of sex/physical intimacy. (
) no huge changes, but some new things. And new realizations.
More energy work with more people. (
) yep!
Redo my "characters in the story of my life" post. (
) nooo.
Do year-overviews for 2012, 2013, 2014. (
) noooo.

So that's about half and half for number of items, but for importance of items I mostly succeeded. I thought for sure I had failed on the friends stuff but I did much better than I thought! Also I hadn't included several goals which I met: graduate college, come out to more members of biofamily and give them a chance, write two papers suitable for publication, become more assertive, prepare & submit name change paperwork, keep houseplants alive, and get comfortable writing image descriptions.

For 2016!
 ◯  Do year-overviews for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. SERIOUSLY SELF COME ON.

Redo my "characters in the story of my life" post.
 ◯  More physical exertion & stronger muscles.
 ◯  Keep track of media: books, films, shows, music, articles.
 ◯  More work on my etsys and art fb.
 ◯  500 photos taken that I liked, sorted and uploaded.
 ◯  280 instances of unprompted openness (aim for daily).
 ◯  280 days of keeping up with text responses at least once daily (aim for daily).
 ◯  280 days of taking one cellphone snapshot daily (aim for daily).
 ◯  280 days of correct calendar notes (aim for daily).
 ◯  280 days that include a spiritual practice, aiming for early in the day (aim for daily).
 ◯  220 LJ entries (aim for daily).
 ◯  88 love bank entries (check weekly).
 ◯  77 fractals made.
 ◯  55 dreams recorded.
 ◯  44 artworks created (aim for weekly).
 ◯  44 days of reading a spiritual book (aim for weekly).
 ◯  44 30-minute meditations (aim for weekly).
 ◯  33 intuitions recorded.
 ◯  16 intimacy practices.
 ◯  13 or more people cuddled.
 ◯  13 new nature site visits.
 ◯  13 new casual friends made.
 ◯  13 self-portraits that I like.
 ◯  11 group hangouts (me plus 3 or more of my tribe).
 ◯  11 me-initiated text conversations with Sydney, Allison, Cass (each).
 ◯  11 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 hangouts with Kylei, Heather, Sydney, Allison (each).
 ◯  8 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 hangouts with Jaime, Cass (each).
 ◯  8 me-initiated text conversations with Abby, Anita, Adi (each).
 ◯  8 me-initiated fb/app messages to Heather, Kylei, Kat, Hannah, & Jaime (each).
 ◯  8 crafty parties (aim for monthly).
 ◯  8 book/film/show reviews (aim for monthly).
 ◯  8 spiritual events hosted or attended (aim for monthly).
 ◯  5 or more people kissed (at least 1 new person).
 ◯  3 or more people engaged in intense physical intimacy.
 ◯  3 or more energy-exchange experiences with new people.
 ◯  3 new good friends made.
 ◯  3 or more pages in my book of magic written.
 ◯  3 new photo posts.
 ◯  3 music-sharing posts.
 ◯  3 art inspiration posts.
 ◯  2 new kinds of sexual/physical intimacy experiences.
 ◯  2 22-day writing streaks.
 ◯  2 workshops led at a large gather.
 ◯  2 sets of talismans made.
 ◯  2 nude photoshoots! at least.
 ◯  1 set of icons made.
 ◯  1 set of card readings.
 ◯  1 burn-centered event attended.
 ◯  1 new job.
 ◯  1 new dwelling place.
 ◯  1 legalized name.


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