Nablopomo #1

Nov 01, 2015 21:09

icon: "pensive (my face at a 3/4ths angle, looking down, with a pensive expression. I am wearing a dark purple glitter goatee but no other makeup, and behind me is a sunny forest.)"I want to try to post every day this month. It's not going to be easy because I have a million and a half things to do, but it will help me feel more like a person. ( Read more... )

questions, bits n pieces

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soundofsunlight November 2 2015, 11:39:09 UTC
Hi, I'm Reed, I just added you :) I found you in an add-me community a little while ago. I like to read a bit before adding people, and you have quite an extensive profile!

Things that help me keep up with posting: I keep lj open in a tab beside my email so I don't forget about it (as I have in the past...) Sometimes it helps to write something short if I can't finish a longer post I'm working on. Sometimes I make point-form notes of thoughts throughout the day, and then it's easier to put it together later.

I still struggle with trying to write regularly, though. My problem is more that I never know what to focus on, because there's either too much going on and I can't make anything coherent out of it, OR there's very little going on and I start to feel like my posts are very repetitive.

I also have a pdf of daily prompts for blogging, which I really liked when I went through it originally, but I've yet to use it. Maybe I should print it out, for the days when I don't have anything else to say. I don't like wasting paper but I lose track of things when I don't have a physical copy.

I found it easier to post regularly when I had more active friends and was more engaged, so I know that has made a difference for me before, but I seem to have gotten past needing that. I had lost interest for a while, then got back into it because writing helps me work through things, and I want to keep doing that. I don't know, some weeks are better than others.


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