my hobby: watching other people's friendships

Apr 20, 2015 12:02

icon: "intrigued (a photo of a snow leopard with ears to the side and eyes intent, peering over a log)"
I love social media especially LJ for the way it lets me watch the development of other relationships. Oftentimes if I am on the fence about someone, it will be their interaction with someone else that make me decide one way or the other about whether or not I should invest in them. If someone is unkind to my friend, they're unlikely to be a decent friend to me. If someone expresses understanding and empathy to my friend, I feel affection for that person and desire to connect more with them. I like this in my real-time conversations as well, but people don't often remember to tell me or even realize I want to know. I'm always curious about my friends' interactions with each other.

lj my beloved home, lj friends, friendship

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