drained from all the things / speaking against trans erasure / need more SJ call to action / aunt KC

Feb 17, 2015 19:39

icon: "feminist(the trans-feminist fist symbol colored in a rainbow gradient, with the words "intersectional or bullshit" on top)"I still fully intend to answer all of the prompts, but it is unlikely that they will all get answered this month *grimace* I'll just make my way through as I have time and energy. I've been dealing with a lot, ( Read more... )

anxiety / overwhelmed / stress, gender, topaz, biofamily, art, social justice / feminism, friendship, pibling kc, add-pi

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Comments 9

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belenen April 22 2015, 05:40:06 UTC
*belated love back*


call_me_katya February 18 2015, 23:14:11 UTC
I don't know much about the event you spoke at, but I'm so proud that you spoke out and that you got encouraging feedback afterwards. I'm not sure if your nerves were relating to the fact that you were public speaking, or the reaction you might get for the subject matter [or maybe both] but I am glad for you.


belenen April 22 2015, 05:40:24 UTC
thank you *feels glowy*


meri_sielu February 21 2015, 18:41:32 UTC
I am so proud of you for speaking out at this event in that manner, it must have been very hard but I am glad you were able to. I don't know if you read my LJ much but you might have read that my partner and I recently broke up because he (still using male pronouns atm and doesn't want to change them until he is more stable) has come out as transgender and needed to find himself alone. It's hurting me incredibly because I have been very much shut out but I understand and it's caused me to really look at my sexuality in a different way and to stand up for trans issues a lot more because of the problems we faced together while that choice was made. It's more important to me than ever that Trans issues are given the equality they deserve. So... well done you <3


belenen April 22 2015, 05:40:53 UTC
thank you <3


kmiotutsie February 21 2015, 20:36:43 UTC
I'm SO GLAD for your words at OBR. All the press I was seeing about that a year or two back was about how horribly non-intersectional (and white saviour) it was and I've looked at it askance for those reasons this whole time. Your contribution is so perfect!

Also love your idea about regular meetings as calls to action and networking-- it gets gears turning in my mind. There was a local anarchist bookstore in avl that closed up shortly after I moved here, but it's opening up again and often used to have community space available for things like that. Hrmmm.

I hope you're able to find time to connect more deeply with KC. That sounds like it could be a really amazing relationship to have!!


belenen April 22 2015, 05:41:41 UTC
yesss, I want that to happen. I need to get my shit settled so I can be doing things like that!


zimtkeks February 25 2015, 21:09:13 UTC
Wow, that really sounds like a lot has been going on!

I think it's really great that you said what you said, despite all the adrenaline.

Why do you think it's hard to connect with people with ADD?


belenen April 22 2015, 05:43:56 UTC
It's hard to connect deeply with people with ADD -- especially unmedicated -- because we have a hard time staying focused in time together, and we have a hard time making plans. It's worth it (most of my favorite people have some degree of ADD and I hope I'm worth it too), but it is difficult.


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