icon: "bluestocking (photo of a book laying open on a table in front of an open window, with light streaming in and a yellow spiral fractal overlay)"
bunnika: What are your feelings on education at large? Its necessity (or lack thereof), benefits, downsides, cost. Feel free to include all levels of education that you have opinions on from preschool
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Comments 6
Short version: OMG yes I agree! Consent in all things! Web of knowledge to improve the world.
I think writing and math are both very useful, but definitely not as they're taught. I was in a class this summer that had a book excerpt, I wish I remembered the name of the book. It talked about how math is a beautiful art, and it was ruined by being forced. It talked about what the system would like if music or painting were required in the same way that math is, and how it would ruin them.
*shrug* there's likely some truth to that. But boy do they charge a lot to you to learn to be flexible, if you want to look at it like that. ;)
I absolutely agree that critical thinking skills needs to be taught early (and often). I took a class (mandated) and it was one of the best things I've taken...but was dismayed that it took getting to college to be able to take it. WHY AREN'T WE STARTING THIS TYPE OF THINKING EARLIER?!
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