icon: "queer (the logo for Transcending Boundaries Conference overlaid with the words "genderfree, queer, + trans / never a 1 or 0")"For many years I used ze/zir for everyone, and fairly recently I changed to they/them (still working on it, I have all of the slip-ups). I made the switch for several reasons. One is that even though ze/zir does not
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Some of those same staunch criticizers take issue with they/their because it's not grammatically correct, but they can stuff if. they/their is so easy to roll with.
I'm privileged to live in queer circles who frequently ask "what are your pronouns" on meeting a person, but it's not something I do myself: I they/their everyone to death, and only make a strong effort not to if the person is transitioning and gendered pronouns are really important to them.
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