photopost: body-positive shoot, photos by Kylei and me (NWS, nudity)

May 14, 2014 23:59

I hosted a body-positive photoshoot at my house a lil while ago -- I have a big empty room in the basement so I set up a 'studio' with sheets and fabric and mirrors and fairy lights and lamps and a canopy, and I both posed and took photos. We had three photographers and an artist and only two models, heh. I want to do it again with more people. I just edited the ones Kylei took of me so I can share 'em:

It's about time I had photos taken with this tie. It's SO BRIGHT.

I love the swishy motion of the fabric here

a pretty great capture of my laugh :D

I looooooove my belly in this one

I had superfuntimez

I can't wait to get copies of the ones Topaz took because in some of these it looks very butterflyish

this one and the next look a little weird because they are a reflection (in a dirty mirror oops)

regal as fuck.

colored bulbs make the BEST shadows

this was my favorite of the ones Kylei took -- the colors and light are so creamy and lushhhh

my hair was doing a swoopy thing :D I don't do anything to it so it looks different every day. it stands up on its own.

I look ridic cuddleable here

Kylei let me use zir camera and I took these (with the use of two mirrors):

and then I just had fun with the lights

I also took some awesome photos of others! Don't think those are sharable though, haven't checked yet.

self-portraits, photos, art -- photography, body image, clothesfree

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