"what's your number?" -- a way of gauging relative desire. If I want to go to the movies and you want to go bowling, we compare numbers from -5 (super-loathe) to +5 (desperately-want). If I am a +5 on movies and you're a +1 on bowling, we'll go to the movies -- unless I'm a 0 on going bowling and you're a -5 on going to the movies (because in
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Comments 2
"what's your number?" -- a way of gauging relative desire. If I want to go to the movies and you want to go bowling, we compare numbers from -5 (super-loathe) to +5 (desperately-want). If I am a +5 on movies and you're a +1 on bowling, we'll go to the movies -- unless I'm a 0 on going bowling and you're a -5 on going to the movies (because in that case I can still be happy with bowling since it will make you happy but you can't be happy with movies). It's a more efficient way of asking how much you want to do or avoid something. - I find this to be a very interesting, and (IMO) sociological way of gauging interest.
pripoi -- (adj.) privilege-poisoned. People are pripoi when they can't relate to, acknowledge as valid, or respect people who do not have their ( ... )
I choked on a mouthful of water while laughing when I read this. Thanks for the laugh. :)
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