oneness blessing is an awareness gift

Apr 11, 2014 17:16

I went to oneness blessing circle for the first time in a long time yesterday and I realized that it's a really great thermometer for how I am and what is going on in my life. When I am low energy, it is good for me but I mostly need to meditate and receive. When I'm average, I feel the flow and it activates my thinking and feels cleansing. Last night, after the intense shifts of TBC, I felt my crown chakra open so wide it was like it was taking in half of the universe -- it felt like a glowing golden gentle tornado swirling energy from the universe, into me and through my hands in smaller funnels into the person. I felt very strong images and presences with each person -- some of them it was a nature image and some it was a sense of a deity. I could feel the impact and I also felt almost out of my body, blended with the energy coming in, with the person I was giving to, and with the earth and with all things. It was pretty incredible and I felt impressed with how much I've expanded in a short time.


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