prompt 3: how I celebrate joy / joining LJidol season 9

Mar 03, 2014 21:18

Prompt from lifeofmendel When you're feeling full of joy, what do you do to celebrate it?

I take photos and/or write about it because otherwise I will lose the memory. I tell people about it! I put glitter on, and/or makeup. I take photos of myself (see icon). I dance and sing silly songs to myself about what mundane things I'm doing. (i.e. "I'm gonna make some coffee, pouring water, grindy grindy, dump out the old stuff...") I do creative things! making jewelry or organizing or working on the latest crafty project. Sometimes if I'm feeling super happy I'll tell random people I haven't been in contact with that I love them. I funnel joy into things that will last, quick as I can, usually. Less often, I'll do something that doesn't last, like get drunk! I only ever drink when I am feeling happy because drinking makes me feel more of whatever I am feeling. OR (never and) I go out, drive and turn the music up, go somewhere I haven't been in a while.

in other news, I've been super excited about writing lately and this is my last chance to participate, so I'm joining LJ idol for the last season. You can too!

writing prompts, joy

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