photos! Arizona & I at Big Trees, Arizona and R & I after pagan pride and before colab ;-)

Oct 18, 2010 02:10

heading to Big Trees Forest Preserve


with Arizona! (note: photos of Arizona are friends-locked per zir request -- you can see them here if we're friends on LJ, or on facebook if you friend me there)



this spiderweb was so magical <3


Arizona posed for me! :D



so cute!


Arizona took this


and this!




I know it's just lens flare but preeeetty!











Arizona asked me which type of tree that was just as I was taking a photo, and I started thinking about it, so this is actually a candid self-portrait, heh.




ze signed the guest book <3












R & Arizona, having drinks at Element Coffee after Pagan Pride


R was laughing at Arizona who was making ridiculous faces (which WILL get shown next time! HAH!)
Ze's wearing a shortened version of these which I gave zir for zir birthday ;-)






R took this ;-)


that would be Arizona's "haha I'm being a little shit and I'm very pleased with myself about it" look


and this is me being very sad


my Katherine Heigl smile


and me laughing at myself


this was after getting ready to go out again! I added white mascara to my makeup, I loooooooove it.




I was laughing at the face Arizona made right before this



this was in front of a blacklight -- look how my lashes light up! isn't it FUCKING AWESOME???


Arizona is looking gleeful because ze just stole Kyle's hat and then Kyle kissed zir :D I took a video but I'm keeping it for my Private Collection *sinister snickers*


arizona, big trees forest preserve, serendipity, self-portraits, photos, art -- photography, nature

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