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frecklestars September 22 2010, 12:44:03 UTC
You can only try as hard as you can. If you keep thinking "I have to try harder, I have to try harder" you're going to drive yourself crazy. It sounds completely impossible, but try not to focus on how you need to try harder and harder. Just _do_.

Also, I would encourage you to share your concerns with the professor(s). Any time one of my students comes to me with concerns like that, I'll try to help. (Which, IMO, is what good teachers will do.)

Every time I start freaking out about stuff, I tell myself "Chop wood and carry water". In other words, focus wholly on the thing you are doing, not the outcome, not the past, not the dreaded "what if". Just do the thing you are doing. Don't even think about doing it the best you can do it (that's where I get tripped up - writing grad school papers I keep thinking "ok, this has to be a masterpiece and I must wow the professor so much they'll just gimme my PhD already". But that's not how it works. And not everything has to be perfect.)


Also, how nuts would it be if I flew down Thanksgiving weekend? Too crazy of a plan? :P


(The comment has been removed)

belenen September 22 2010, 19:24:33 UTC
thank you J! hey, I dreamed about you last night. It was so strange! Someone referred to you by my birth name and I was like "that is so odd, I keep forgetting your birth name! Also, oddly, I have another letter-name friend whose birth name was my birth name." then there was some stuff about skydiving and planting seeds ;-)


belenen September 22 2010, 19:21:58 UTC
*cuddles back*

thanks for the sweet comment! I discovered that laughing helps me a lot and I plan to keep that in mind next time :D

it would be AWESOME but I'm planning to go to Florida with the whole family. Not sure if we're going the week before or the week after though, so if we ARE getting back day after thanksgiving then perhaps! let me find out and let you know :D

I know we'll be here for Christmas and I would adorrrrrrrrrre to have you come then!


frecklestars September 23 2010, 00:39:14 UTC
Fair enough. I will look at trips around xmas and see if I can't squeeze you a few days in December in combination with my always-massive California trip.


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