photos: May & June 2010, nature & Arizona & Kyle & Ben & Nicole & Atlanta & Coyote & Chip

Aug 08, 2010 15:33

photopost! I'm getting my confidence back at last ♥


these who are from the day that Christa took me to lunch (about a week after I started dating Anita) and I realized we could be good friends. I thought the curious baby bird seemed a positive sign.



Arizona mostly made faces at me but I caught two I like :D this was the first time I felt comfortable enough to pull out my camera (that's a remarkably short warm-up period for me!)


I went to Helen with Ben and Nicole and Toby (whom I'm not posting photos of because ze seems a rather private person) and in the stairwell of a little pagan shop there was this gorgeous mural on the wall :D


Ben being cutely content ♥


Ben being gleeful :D


Nicole is so pretty!


also hilariously cute XD


and yaaaaay I captured zir eyes! *puts them in pocket*


this is quite possibly the most beautiful (non-portrait) photo I've ever taken. I've linked to the wallpaper version (it's currently my desktop).


this is one of the dozens of nearly-tame dragonflies that swarm around Bella's little backyard pond


the first photo I ever took of Kyle -- so fey, perfect.


omfg cutie Arizona :D


Ben being Benish and Nicole just trying to eat in peace! *giggles*


Wonderroot is an indie venue in Atlanta where Ben and Nicole and I went to see Ben's little bro play with zir band "Paper Not Plastic." It's amazing -- the walls are covered in art and they have a sitting room with tons of zines on all subjects.


power lines ♥



God/dess I love Atlanta. Ben and Nicole gave me such an amazing gift letting me live there for a month and a half ♥


Elijah, Coyote, (Coyote's significant other whose name I have sadly forgotten), and Kyle


Elijah enraptured!


image Click to view



God/dess, watching the interaction between the three of them was so incredibly sacred and intimate and beautiful ♥




meeting Coyote was a revelation -- I'd never before met someone who saw life in the 'inanimate' and treated it with reverence (in the way I do secretly) with absolutely no hesitancy or shyness about it. I felt honored to be in zir presence and inspired to be more confident/sharing in my own honoring of the life of objects.





Arizona and Chip ♥



P, G, Kyle's camera, and Kyle.




this does not capture Anita's eyes at all but I was in a moving car so this is the best I got ;-) I'll be trying again!


forest and flame, ohhhh beauty.



arizona, serendipity, photos, art -- photography, atlanta, kylei, destined happenings, chip, hope, localtribe, nature, those passing through

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