why not? (friends with benefits meme)

Jan 06, 2010 00:50

copying a (slightly edited) meme going 'round my flist:

There's at least 1 person on your flist that wants to date you or sleep with you. So, let's play Friends With Benefits! (cue ominous music) Assuming you are otherwise available:

* If you want to date the person who posts this -- for this purpose, meaning "be in a relationship with them" -- post a comment saying "I'm yours."

*If you just want to sleep with the person and stay friends, post a comment that says "I'd do you."

* If you're not sure what you want to do; but would be open to a potential making out session to further decide based upon "making out" input [we're talking kissing, heated and passionate, but without *sex* being the end goal - in other words, clothing stays on], post a comment saying "let's experiment."

All responses will be screened. No one will ever know. Except you. And me.

sensuality, sex, meme

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