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aerialmelodies May 20 2009, 16:13:49 UTC
Aww, I know that I very much so enjoyed meeting you! It did feel natural, not forced, and I'd love to meet up again sometime... over coffee? Again? Because coffee is awesome? ;) I can't officially speak for Ryan (he's such a private person about his thoughts!) but from what I gathered, he really enjoyed the drum circle and meeting you! You let him play your drum, and that really brought a smile to his face. :)

The meet up group and the ritual sound amazing! It feels good to find a niche of people that can make us feel at home. I love that you offered up honeysuckles - so sweet (in more ways than one, hee!).


ETA: omigosh, your questions! ;) I love that you can switch from a completely random conversation to something deeper, and it doesn't feel as though you're judging based on the answers. It's easy to write out emotions because there is time to sit and ponder, but on the spot! Oh man! Ryan and I had a very interesting but great discussion on the car ride home about the nature of my current sense of spirituality. Thank you for that - definitely looking forward to more discussions!

ETA2: Er, by ritual I meant your personal one!


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