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Comments 6

chillychilly22 May 9 2009, 21:54:43 UTC
A very thoughtful post. :)

The best way to combat the stereotypes of gender is to SHOW the world that it's just not true.

Being both minority and a woman, I know there are people out there that think less of me. No amount of well written studies will convince them that their prejudiced thinking is off. At least the hard-nosed ones set in their ways.

I feel people change their set ways/attitudes when they EXPERIENCE something rather than read about the facts. Example, through my actions at work, I hope I help crumble the walls prejudiced ways of thinking. I try to set the example, set the tone, so that they will see me as an equal team member, and not just some minority girl who needs a job, thank you!


belenen May 10 2009, 04:27:56 UTC
yes indeed! I agree that the best way to tear down these ideas is to live in defiance of them. And also, if we can, to speak up when someone says something that is racist/sexist/prejudiced. That seems easier when you're a part of the privileged group -- I know that I find it much easier to call out racism than to call out sexism. Maybe it's because with sexism, I'm afraid people will take me for being 'too sensitive' because it affects me personally, but since I am not a victim of racism, I know people won't assume that I'm 'overreacting' because of my own history. (a ridiculous assumption -- the privileged ones get to decide how damaging oppression is! the irony, it burns ( ... )


petite_mewsette May 10 2009, 06:00:41 UTC
Can you explain to me how we should live in defiance of gender roles? A feminine girl who dresses in a more masculine way, is she denying gender roles or just reinforcing them? Is surprising people's presuppositions a way to fight gender stereotypes?

Really curious about how you think we should go about this! :) You always have such thought-provoking entries.


belenen May 10 2009, 06:21:17 UTC
Well, to me living in defiance of gender roles means separating actions/attitudes/behaviors/hobbies/clothing/jobs from sex. So, not going out of one's way to be the opposite of what one is expected to be, but carefully considering one's habits to see if a particular thing is truly one's individual preference, or just an absorbed societal preference ( ... )


anonymous May 10 2009, 04:49:57 UTC
belenen May 10 2009, 04:51:35 UTC


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