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smurfb1ue April 17 2009, 02:00:06 UTC
Part of what you're saying reminds me of how people ask "How are you?" as sort of the token greeting without really stopping to actually hear you. It often feels like the only acceptable (or expected) response is "Fine, thanks, how are you?" Maybe it's because we're always in a rush, ready to move on to the next thing, and we don't have (or perceive that we have) enough time to stop and really hear people. With livejournal, we can take for granted that those who are reading our words are actually listening, and if they don't want to then they just skip over them. That's just a thought though.
You have such big ideas--which is exciting--but sometimes having big ideas that are maybe new or different from the norm can feel lonely. I wonder if maybe that's part of it for you. But I don't necessarily think people have to see the world as you do to be a good listener. Sometimes I find myself going into a conversation and saying, "Give me grace. Just listen. Don't try to fix me or argue with me or change my mind. Just sit awhile." I hope you have and kind find people who can just sit awhile with you and listen.


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