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camilleyun April 16 2009, 14:50:57 UTC
I relate to this. My experiences are different though. Typically I tend to have a lot going on internally. I feel anxious and stressed out often. I am very expressive about this because that is one of the ways in which I cope. However, this does not mean I am incapable of listening actively, empathizing, and caring. I believe that many times people don't bother to share because they've already prejudged the situation without trying to communicate first.

There is a girl on LJ that seeks me out to ask advice about her boyfriend troubles. If I happen to say something about myself she will go on about herself as if I never said anything. This really irritates me. But I understand her impulsiveness. On occasions when she has been able to listen, she's kind and helpful.

There are times when I want to and try to connect with someone but it seems they are caught up in other things and overlook me while I feel like I am falling out of every tree to get their attention. It's hard not to feel rejected when that happens. It's especially bothersome when I read posts about how they don't have this or that from their friends and I think that *I* could be that and don't understand why they don't see it. Maybe if they'd stop focusing on what they're not getting from the people they're not getting what they want or need from and try reaching out to me then the results could be amazing on both sides.


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