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wolfmare April 11 2009, 03:01:33 UTC
Hmm... Thing is, my teen years weren't very cheerful, and still aren't to look back on.

I was diagnosed at 14 as bipolar, I didn't realize back then that I have such strong empathy for the people around me that their moods triggered mine. It reached a point not long after, that I became self destructive. My family was falling apart and I was torn between my parents, and I just wanted it all to stop.

At 14, I was also ganged up on by girls in the school locker room, and walked away without a scratch. 8 of them, one of me, and I won. I don't glory in that fight for the sake of fighting, but for the fact that I can and will defend myself, because often times nobody else will. I won with the odds stacked against me, and still did not seriously harm anyone in my attempt to get free and away. Why though? Because I wasn't like them, so I was an easy target.

At 16 I got pregnant, at 17 I had my son. At 17, I also moved out on my own. Took a great many lessons the hard way, I'm stubborn and sometimes it takes a few rough lumps to get the point across. But I wouldn't be who and how I am today, were it not for the bad as well as the good.


ladywind April 11 2009, 03:10:22 UTC
~warmth for you~
Good on you, strength to you, and a bow of respect from a stranger.


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