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rapidrabbit February 3 2009, 00:23:35 UTC
Still don't like to cook, huh? I've just grown to love it more and more...and I really hate that I don't have the proper time for it. I drag out cooking, taking an excruciating amount of time to do simple things (like chop spices or trim chicken) because it's so incredibly relaxing for me. Also, eating is one of my favorite things in the world. :-P

I love glasses. Contacts simply don't make sense for me right now (I get accidentally poked in the eye a lot - such is life with a toddler) and I have glasses that I love. I've always been surrounded by people with glasses, so I suppose I never saw them as a barrier. Though I do prefer when my husband wears contacts, because his prescription for nearsightedness is really strong, and his glasses make his eyes look teeny tiny. His eyes are far too pretty to be downsized. I'm farsighted, so no such problem.

Pretty much agreed on 4, though I don't think I'd want to raise my own livestock. (I simply don't think I'd be able to do a good enough job. I've provided my own food before, though, as I used to do a lot of fishing and my family lived off of those fish when I was growing up.) I'd like to be somewhere that allowed me access to a real butcher, with healthier, free-range livestock, though, because I do dislike the meat industry at large.


belenen March 2 2009, 19:20:56 UTC
haha, and I NEVER WILL. Unless they invent one of those protein-synthesizer things where you punch in what you want and that's all the effort 'cooking' takes, LOL! I guess for me, it's like an art form with absolutely no reward. I don't enjoy eating enough to make it worthwhile, Ben doesn't care enough to make it worthwhile, it doesn't last, and I find photos of food really gross. If I'm going to put all that creative energy into something, I want it to be something that gives me a significant reward.

I do prefer when my husband wears contacts, because his prescription for nearsightedness is really strong, and his glasses make his eyes look teeny tiny
Me too, another reason I don't like them! My eyes are too pretty for downsizing too haha!

oh wow, I didn't know that about fishing, that's really awesome!


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