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mimimandy December 3 2008, 07:47:03 UTC
interesting to read; very enlightening. I think people blindly believe not just because they're told to but also because they want to. Believing you're special and loved and cared about is always a nice thing. Believing that no matter how good or bad a friend will always be with you if you so ask is another nice concept. -sighs- I'm one of those blind faith followers always have been but not because anyone told me to blindly follow by. My mother took me to several different types of churches over the years (of many types of christianity) before settling at her final church and informed me that when I turned 16 I could decide for myself until then that was the church she believed strongest in and was most at home at. I've always believed in a higher power. I always assumed it was because of all my disabilities. I don't believe I was made to be percieved as damaged goods just because with no reason whatsoever. I believed someone had to have made me because they loved me so unconditionally the way I was and I stuck to it and eventually most of my issues evened themselves out. Someone else I once met told me I believed because I was once retarded and all retards believe but that person was a bumbling being. I've always wondered how so many other people could just not believe or need proof its always amazed me but I think its done that way for a reason to because I think once you do believe (providing you do eventually believe), I think it makes your stance and your belief incredibly powerful feeling. When I hit sixteen I did stop going to church though. I felt as if I was being judged there by my fellow peers and perhaps some of their parents and coming up short and I didn't believe I was put on this world to be a who is more successful game. I believe that higher powers (IE my God) should be loved and cherished and celebrated but I don't feel as if I need to do that in a church as God loves me no matter where I go I also don't feel the need to constantly "preach" to others although I know nad have met many who do it. I feel God, high powers, religion whatever, is such an intimate and personal message that if someoen wanted to discuss it with me great but if not or doesn't want to hear it great too yanno. Sorry for the novel but this was such an amazingly insightful message/entry and I just had to comment and add my 2 cents!


belenen December 4 2008, 08:06:03 UTC
thanks for your input!

I think maybe I wasn't too clear on this because I was coming at it from a certain angle, in response to various questions I'd heard around...

I definitely value believing without 'proof' -- I wasn't speaking against that at all. I was just saying that if you have faith in something, you can make it even stronger by adding more knowledge/understanding/wisdom to that. Certain people I've known have implied that it is destructive to faith to seek confirmation, but I think it can only be helpful.


mimimandy December 5 2008, 05:33:38 UTC
thanks for your input!

I think maybe I wasn't too clear on this because I was coming at it from a certain angle, in response to various questions I'd heard around...

I definitely value believing without 'proof' -- I wasn't speaking against that at all. I was just saying that if you have faith in something, you can make it even stronger by adding more knowledge/understanding/wisdom to that. Certain people I've known have implied that it is destructive to faith to seek confirmation, but I think it can only be helpful.

I got what you where saying and I don't think anyone thought otherwise lol. I think and feel if people need confirmation they should always seek it. God says he will always e there for those who seek it so if they seek it so be it yanno. Everyone has to come to terms with a form of higher power/religion on their own terms so who is anyone to say its inncorrect,


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