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jendaby October 14 2008, 14:49:40 UTC
Well, congratulations on taking that big step and coming out! i remember how nervous I was to do so with my parents, too! I also did not get the expected response. It was also a positive one. It turned out that they had known people in poly relationships before and so it wasn't a strange concept to them.

Other family members had a slightly harder time wrapping their minds around the concept, but were ultimately just happy as long as we were happy, and asked a lot of general questions like "What's she like" because they wanted to make sure that we were happy.

But my grandmother seemed very not-shocked, and then thought about it for a couple of days (processing time) and then called with some questions. That might be what Pat is doing, too?

Regardless, *hugs* you did good.

BTW, the only church I ever went to with any regularity was Unity. I really liked the openness and the caring attitude of people. There are branches all over the country, and the age of the group really varies. I was in a Unity youth group when I was 12. My parents attended a Unity in PA that had many young families. I think it is cool that you are investigating different places to find what works best for you. That's very enlightened and awesome. :)


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