dream (I meet Laura and Nea in dream-Finland)

Sep 24, 2008 09:55

lately my dreams have been extremely short and simple (as opposed to the usual epic cinematic-style chock-full-of-symbolism dreams that I'm used to and that keep me so fascinated I can't bear to wake up) but I've decided to start recording them again anyway. The good part of these dreams is that they just suddenly end and then I'm awake, so it's easy to get up... but I miss the epic ones! People don't understand why I can sleep for hours upon hours upon hours -- imagine watching the most fascinating movie, in which you get to play a part and have magical powers. Yeah, you wouldn't want to wake up either!

I was in another country (which I think was supposed to be Finland but like my last dream it was as green as Georgia, very open and grassy even in the middle of the city), walking down a median which was about 12 feet (3.66 m) wide, covered in grass and sprinkled with trees and benches, like a long skinny park in the middle of two busy streets. I (almost literally) bumped into Laura (musicandmisery) and we excitedly started making plans for what we were going to do since we were in the same place. Then I sensed that Nea (acid_burns) was nearby, but was waiting to be found, so I flew around and found zir sitting on a bench. While floating upside-down in the air, I teased zir about hiding and convinced zir to come back with us to my hotel room where we could plan our fun day. Once we got there, everything got confused... there were little kids around and at one point I had to use the bathroom so I took a sheet and comforter and let them drag on the floor (which is very out of character for me as I hate messing up the bed and I can't stand for bedclothes to touch the floor) because I was naked of course. And then there was a bit where I was hunting for contacts and realized I didn't have enough for the whole visit and couldn't order more because I was overseas (in real life I only have a few pairs left), and while I was putting in my contacts there were four eyelashes in the contact-water (two of which were supposed to go in my eye (?!?) and two of which weren't, very tricky to separate them). And then there was something where I was using stickers and I got really enchanted by one shimmery sheet (out of the collection that I already have) and Nea noticed and mentioned that ze was the one who sent it to me. I was like "oh, I guess I didn't look at it as closely as I am now!" Oh, and at one point Laura asked me my middle name and I said it was Rebecca, and ze was like "I KNEW IT! my sister is named Becky and you guys are so alike (in tenacity and boldness)!" And at the end Laura was suddenly at zir home and on the phone with me and said that ze wanted to phone-chat with me more often. (we've never spoken on the phone before)

The only meaning I can gather is that I want to go meet Nea and Laura! *giggles* but I love dream-meeting lj friends -- I feel like it's a real meeting on a spiritual level. I have dreamed about Nea probably five times now but this was my first time dream-meeting Laura! :D

lj friends, dreams, nea, laura

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